2016年3月2日 星期三

Cuverville Island & Errera Channel, Antarctica (南極--庫佛維爾島及埃雷拉海峽)

Cuverville Island & Errera Channel, Antarctica

**The article is part of 25 days trip in South America and Antarctica, including 21 days onboard cruiser Zaandam.

Cuverville Island -- (64°41'12"S 62°37'18"W) (-64.686666, -62.621666)
Errera Channel -- (64°42'S 62°36'W) (-64.700000, -62.600000)
Cuverville Island  is a dark, rocky island lying in Errera Channel between Arctowski Peninsula and the northern part of Ronge Island, off the west coast of Graham Land in Antarctica. Cuverville Island was discovered by the Belgian Antarctic Expedition (1897–1899) under Adrien de Gerlache. This 2.5km by 2km island is a steep-sided dome, two-thirds of which is covered by a permanent ice-cap. The northern shore is a beach of cobbles and boulders, approx 1.5km long.
Errera Channel is a channel between Ronge Island and the west coast of Graham Land. It was discovered by the Belgian Antarctic Expedition (1897–1899) under Adrien de Gerlache as well.


庫佛維爾島 -- (64°41'12"S 62°37'18"W) (-64.686666, -62.621666)
埃雷拉海峽 -- (64°42'S 62°36'W) (-64.700000, -62.600000)
庫佛維爾島(Cuverville Island)是南極洲的島嶼,長2.5公里,寬2公里,該島在1897年至1899年期間,由Adrien de Gerlache所率領的比利時探險隊發現,島上繁殖許多企鵝,允許遊輪旅客登島參訪。
埃雷拉海峽(Errera Channel)在庫佛維爾島(Cuverville Island)南面,與該島同時由Adrien de Gerlache比利時探險隊所發現,埃雷拉海峽四周大部份為島嶼陸地所屏障,形似一處靜謐的內灣,因此海岸常見企鵝繁殖。

